When Real Life Collides

Sometimes as Business Owners, all we want to present to the world is our professional face. What we can offer a customer and how we can get it in their hands. But sometimes, real life creeps in and impacts your view of life and your ability to show up to your business. In January I found out that what I thought my 2024 season was going to look like, was probably going to be vastly different. I was going to need to find a way to meet my business goals for the year and grow a new life at the same time. A task that felt daunting at 42 years old with another child to care for at the same time.

Last week, we found out that, that life was no longer growing and suddenly my 2024 season looked exactly how I had envisioned on January 1st. But I am not the same. I might not have envisioned another baby 8 years after having my son and I knew at my age the outcome of this could be miscarriage but I am forever changed by this experience. My vision for 2024 growth goals are still the same, but I want to push even further toward my dreams of buying my farm next year and really expanding into a business that can give me the ability to invest more time and energy into my present family and purpose.

It is funny how things like this can take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. You are shaped and molded by the ups and downs of what you thought life would look like and then it all comes crashing down. The next moment it is like it was all a dream. I don’t want to forget this life that was created out of so much love. I want to honor thier existence and not forget how it impacted my 2024.


June in Bloom

